Pick-Your-Own Strawberries

General Information
The price is $5.00 per pound.​ Cash and Credit payments are accepted in the field.
No tickets or reservations are required.
We have wooden 1 quart containers available for purchase for $0.35 each.
Closed until June 2025

Picking and Storage Tips
You may pick into your own containers, but we must first weigh them empty.
Containers should be clean, ventilated, and less than 4 inches deep to prevent bruising.
Check under the berry before you pick it to make sure that it is deep red, firm, and undamaged all the way around.
Wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water.
Allow about 10 minutes to pick a quart of berries.
Keep berries refrigerated and dry (unwashed) until ready to use. Ripe strawberries only last for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
Do not rinse berries or remove stems until ready for use. Clean by immersing in water.
Picking the berry with the stem will increase the shelf life substantially.

​No backpacks or pets are allowed in the field.
The corn maze area is closed to PYO customers.
Do not step on strawberry plants or berries, especially when crossing over rows.
Please pick in designated areas only.
Children must be under adult supervision.
Please pick only the berries you intend to pay for.
Have fun!